Look Kat I finally figured this out. I really am computer literate, it just takes me awhile sometimes. Anyway now that I know this little tool, I can link to your blogs out there. Thanks Kat for your generous offer to help me with this. I have a feeling you are just that kind of person. And while I'm at it thanks for the "Schmooze" award. I never get an award. Check it out here at justabeachkat. Thanks again!!
Karolee at My Montana Moments is doing the Proverbs Challenge. I started it a couple of days late but it is easy to catch up.
And go over to Kari at Just Livin Large. I love her posts about going through the change of life. She makes me laugh, though I am not sure she is laughing about it. Thanks Kari!!
Well, look at you! I'm so proud of you! You Go Girl!
I'm glad you signed up. Thanks for plugging the challenge. This has been fun.
Thanks for your sweet comment! This whole menopause thing is KILLING me. Or maybe it'd be more accurate to say it's making my family seriously CONSIDER killing me. lol I know for sure that all this is normal. I'm sure of that. And if I say that often enough, I MIGHT even come to believe it. Maybe. I'm hoping that, as long as my brain doesn't boil over, I'll come out on the other side with at least a small amount of humanity left in tact.
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