An Apron that Paula Deen sells on her website
Hi Y'all!!! People tend to look at you funny when you're from Ohio and you start talking all southern and your not. But since Paula and I are BFF's, I want to talk just like her. Anyway, I'm so excited, I've been looking for Paula's new cookbook called Paula Deen Celebrates and it's been sold out of the stores I've been too so I went on her website and found out she is coming out with a cookbook at the end of October called Paula Deen's Christmas. Now why do I want this book? Because every year on Christmas Day we have a big open house and for the past few years I've been having a theme to them. Last year it was an Italian Christmas, where I made pizzelles(pizzelles are Italian cookies that are made in this thing that looks like some kind of weird George Forman grill) and had lemoncello etc... So this year I decided it was going to be a southern Christmas and who better to help me then my best friend Paula. Believe me when I tell you this is the one and only thing that I plan way ahead of time for Christmas. For some reason I must have a plan of action for the food months in advance. I'll buy the presents two weeks before Christmas but the food has to be thought out for months. And I love the apron, it is so appropriate for my life right now. We are heading down Paula's way in the next few weeks and I just know she'll want to have me over for sweet tea and biscuits. Either that or she'll have me arrested for stalking. No really, we are going to try and make it to her restaurant in Savannah and I'm not even going to worry about my diet if we make it there. I hope Paula doesn't mind me taking these images off her website but since we are BFF's, I'm sure it'll be fine.
Safe Travels,