So I am doing an experiment today and tomorrow. We are getting slammed with a winter storm today. Here is my little Eiffel Tower that sits out on a table on my deck. I am going to see how far the snow goes up the tower by the time the snow ends. OKAY, OKAY so I am going a little stir crazy in the house today and now they are telling me on the TV that there will be blizzard conditions before it gets better. I am not going crazy like Jack Nicholson in The Shining,LOL ,but it does get to you after awhile. So if you are in the middle of this bad weather, stay safe and warm! Stay tune for the exciting sequel to this Eiffel Tower experiment. It's not to be missed. :-)

And my sweet friend
Kat from
Just a beach kat gave me this great award the other day but I haven't had the chance to post it or thank her. Thanks Kat for this wonderful award. You guys know I have such a hard time picking just a few of you to pass awards on to because honestly you all make my days brighter with your encouragement and kindness. So I am passing it on to all of my blogging friends. Have a great weekend!
I thought about doing a time lapsed picture of the snow then though nah...I'm glad you are though...this should be interesting. We are up to a level 2 here with a level 3 being the extreme emergency....
Stay warm and dry!!!
They called the kids out on early dismissal at 6:15AM - before they even went to school. I was working up at school today and they said 200 kids left early due to the weather. Crazy... We were supposed to go see a play at the Aronoff but it got cancelled. I am so ready for Spring!!!
I'm anxious to see how much snow accumulates. I know you all must be terribly tired of it - I see posts everywhere about how people are sooooooo ready for Spring! Congrats on your award!!
Have a good weekend. And, thanks so much for coming by and thanks for the prayers for our sweet baby. Take care and see you soon. Kellan
Oh gosh Joan you make me laugh so much. Love the Eiffel Tower idea, thats a classic..i'll be waiting to see how it goes..all that snow..brrrr poor you :(
Ok but now im gonna have nightmares about Jack Nicholson in The Shining...and that CREEPY LITTLE BOY ON HIS BIKE...DOWN THE CORRIDOR..... REDRUM REDRUM ARRGGHHHHHHHHHHH SHRIEK SQUEEL !!!!
xo Shann
I can see that you too have winter storm, and so we have had.Today it is sunny, but it has been two days with stormy weather.
I say thank you for the award, and copy it to my blog.
Have a blessed week end!
What a cute idea! We'll all be constantly checking the height of the snow now!!lolol
And the award is really deserved!! I to, enjoy your "place" so very much!!! Stay in and stay warm!!hughugs
I hope you didn't lose power Joan or have any snow damage...I'm depending on you to send me pictures if you had a huge snowfall,okay?
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