The crowd is going wild. They have been waiting all night with baited breath. Will the Eiffel Tower be buried under the snow? Will it ever see the light of day again? Well, here are the latest results of the Great Eiffel Tower Experiment of 08. Oh my, the crowd is going crazy, their excitement is contagious. The Eiffel Tower is disappearing. Okay, I'm just having some fun because no one is allowed on our streets in Cincy unless it's an emergency and I have nothing else to do. I am used to going and going just like the energizer bunny, so we have no choice but to slow down today and just go with the flow. Below are the official results of my little experiment. You can see in the collage where the snow started and on the bottom left what is left of my little Eiffel Tower(it's actually a little candle holder that I use in the summer). We are still getting snow as I write this so stay tune I may have to update if the Eiffel Tower disappears. LOL Click on photo to see it better.

And since all this snow reminds me of the movie The Shining, I just had to post a photo of old Jack from the movie. Don't worry I don't quite look like this yet but give me a few more days and I might have that crazed look in my eyes. :-) In all seriousness, stay warm and safe and all of my warm weather friends, well let's just say I am so envious of you guys right now.

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" Couldn't resist adding this.
Wow, that's a lot of snow for March 8th! I can't even imagine. We've got nice spring weather here in Southern CA. Enjoy your day!
We love The Shining and I"m sure we'll all look like Jack Nicholson by the time all this snow disappears. I am so ready for spring!!
Hang in there and don't go too stir crazy. You're safer and warmer just staying put and playing on the computer.
Like the Eiffel Tower experiment.
Hi Joan,
Whoa!! You got even more snow than we did here in Toledo. We ventured out in it anyway, estate sales, antique stores. We had cabin fever and had to get out. This too shall pass...right?
LeAnn :)
WOW...I guess that could happen here in the Chicago burbs, too...after all it is the MIDWEST...what a cute post
Thanks for the much needed laugh! We had a lot of rain and winds today, but no snow.
You have been seriously scarred by all that snow over the course of your lifetime, haven't you? It reminds you of The Shining???? Well good grief...I can see WHY you get the willies when I talk about how wonderful I think snow is. lol
Stay safe, stay warm and shovel some of that white stuff my way!
What a fun post! That tower is almost gone as it is!!lol...and I will Not watch Jack in the shining..Too scarey!lol Stay warm sweetie!!hugs
I reckon it's a great experiment, Joan. Our temps are hotter than usual for the start of autumn - high nineties all week.
Glad you liked my Odd Shot today!
WOW - it's beautiful, but it is a lot of snow!!
I have a post coming up with the same picture of Jack in it - tee hee!
Thanks so much for coming by today and leaving the kind thoughts and prayers for our sweet little baby! I hope you've had a good weekend! I'll see you soon. Kellan
We had 5 inches of snow here Friday night into Saturday morning......Mary
That is a lot of snow. I hope the Tower survives the experiment if not I guess you'll have to go back to Paris and get another!
Stay strong spring is on the way .. or so I hear .. in NYC its COLD and WINDY ..
David sent me
I came over from David's.
What a lovely site! My cursor changes to a butterfly. It's beautiful! How DO you do that? (If it's very complicated - don't worry - I'm just in awe!)
Hope the Eiffel Tower survives - I'm sure ze French will be very relieved if it does! I have a little one like that and it has been buried in snow! And ice, mud... it's the kids y'know.
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