Okay, so maybe Grandma got a little carried away with the camera yesterday. LOL Here are a few photos from our time with our new little grandbaby yesterday. I know it's alot of photos but I just couldn't decide which ones to post out of the hundred or so I took. :-) Everyone is doing great and should be coming home today. Gramps and I finally got caught up on our sleep, what a difference a good night's sleep makes. Thanks for the well wishes!

Here's my two girls and Maddie and the new little guy. I just got off the phone with my son and the little guy's new name is Michael Cameron though he might go by Cameron.

This photo is so cute. My little granddaughter Maddie was petting little Michael Cameron's head like she does our kitty Cleo. She was very gentle and sweet with him but somewhat unsure about what was going on. In about eight more weeks we will be back at the same hospital for Maddie's little sister's birth so this is good for her to get used to a new little one around.

Here's the little guy getting ready for his official hospital photo. It's interesting to watch how they wake the little ones up to take a photo.

In Grandma heaven in this photo!

Grandma with her new little buddy and my best little girlfriend!

More Grandma heaven!

Maddie petting Michael Cameron's head. I think she also tried to give him a kiss but couldn't quite reach him.

All dress up and ready for his first photo shoot.

Grams and Papa with the little guy.

And last but not least, the proud parents. Jimmy, Allison and Michael Cameron. I hope they figure out which name they are going to use soon because Michael Cameron is a long one to say all the time. LOL Hope I didn't overload with so many photos but I wanted to share some of this very happy time in our family. I am behind in my blog reading with everything going on but will slowly make my way around this week. Thanks again for sharing this special time with me.
Joan, he's beautiful and listen, there are NEVER too many pictures! I hope little Maddie will not be a tad jealous of the new baby sister...she's such a sweetie, it'll probably never cross her mind! Hugs to the babies (Maddie's still a baby, too...don't forget my hug to her!)
hugs to you, too
Hi Joan,
I'm glad to see all the pictures. I couldn't bring up the larger views last night and wanted to see them close up. They are adorable and I like the name they picked out. I can't wait to see him!
Michael Cameron is a great name! I was finally able to open up all the pictures this morning. He is so cute. Can't wait to meet him.
You look so radiant and happy!! ♥
oh im sooooo happy and overwhelmed for you all. What a sweet little bundle to welcome into the world. Michael Cameron is a gorgeous little darlin'.
Oh sweetpea im ssooooooo pleased for you all.
love the photos and NO there wasnt too many!
Big Hugs,
Ahhhh I love him already! I can't wait to meet the little guy. I'm so so so excited!
Oh Joan, there could never be too many pics of the grandbabies. He is so beautiful. Congratulations!
LeAnn :0
Don't you know there's no such thing as too many pictures of a baby???? lol
These are all beautiful snapshots and I'm so glad you've been able to post them. And I'm glad they've come up with a name..."Who Baby" just wasn't getting it. lol
Oh! Joan...this is the first time I've been by in a few days...I am so thrilled for you and your family....What a sweetie Mr. Michael Cameron is...I am so sure you ARE in grandmother heaven! Maddie is a doll, I think she is learning valuable lessons from MC.
Congratualtions again...what a beautiful Easter blessing.
I think that Michael Cameron is ADORABLE! Shines like gold. I just love his wee bonny head and his hoody outfit is too precious!
Congratulations on the beautiful baby, and nice name too, even before it's shortened. Never, ever too many grandbaby photos!
Joan, there can never be too many photos of grandchildren. He is just sooo gorgeous & I love his name, whichever they decide he will go by. How proud you all must be. Obviously Maddie is in love.
Hugs, Coll :-}
There's never too many pictures of babies! Welcome to the world, Michael Cameron--you are blessed with a wonderful, loving family!
What Sweet pictures...I know how you feel...wonderful!hughugs
He is such a beautiful baby! Thanks for sharing your pictures.
Precious photos!
We are so happy for y'all.
Congrats again! He's absolutely perfect. I loved seeing each photo.
He's adorable! Congrats on your new grandson!
He is so beautiful. Thank-you so much for sharing this special event with us....Smiles
Hi Joan, Congratulations on your new little grandson. He is so sweet! The pictures are wonderful and you could never have too many. Sure enjoyed seeing them. You have a beautiful family.
La Rea Rose
What a beautiful bub and so alert! Conratulations to you all :)
Oh how I love photos, so keep 'em coming. What a sweetie pie. I love his name too. My sister's grandson is Cameron too.
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