The other day I received a catalog in the mail for surfer girls. It was a catalog for young women who surf and it was addressed to me. Now I don't know about you but I live nowhere near a place to surf. Last I looked no one was surfing on the Ohio River and I have never picked up a surfboard in my life. So as I looked through the catalog I was reminded of my favorite surfing movies when I was growing up. I loved Gidget movies especially the ones with Sandra Dee and James Darren in it. Gidget and Moon Doggie and surfing in sunny California. Didn't you just love Sandra Dee not only in Gidget movies but also in the Tammy movies? She was just so pretty and who didn't dream of Moondoggie? My friend Cherie loved Bobby Sherman but I thought James Darren was it. He has to be at least 20 years older then I am. LOL Maybe getting this catalog is a sign I need a new hobby. So I think I'll buy me a surfboard and go find Moondoggie. Have a great weekend!

Oh yes, girl, I DO remember!! hahaha
It's really strange about the mail we receive - my daughter is 42 and has been getting mail from AARP for a while now. It kind of ticks her off. hahaha Yesterday, when I went out to the mailbox, there was a postcard addressed to my son-in-law's brother-in-law from PLAYBOY magazine. Chris never lived here, and has been dead for about 4 years.
Hope you have a great weekend, and thanks for the memories!! :)
Hi Joan,
I always loved watching Moondoggie; thought he was cute! I wonder if they sell those on DVD like they do everything else. I also wonder if they'll do a remake movie version of it because all the new movies coming out had series on TV when I was young, Get Smart, The Incredible Hulk; just to name a few.
I Loved Moondoggie!!!LOL...Sandra Dee was the Best!! The movie, A Summer Place, was wonderful too... But I Also liked Debbie Reynolds in all the Tammy movies as well....Fun post sweetie!!hughugs
Gidget and Moondoggie, better than Barbie and Ken, takes me way back there with you Joan.
As a kid we had just gotten out first bandw TV when these shows were hitting the airwave....whew
I'm still havin a wedding party!!!!!
Oh, I remember! Hmmmmm....I might have to rent a movie this weekend.
Reading this makes me want to get my Gidget and Tammy DVDs out this weekend. I saw Gidget several times through the years (I'm 38), but never saw any of the Tammy films until the set was released on DVD earlier this year. Sandra Dee is a personal hero of mine. Thanks for the lovely blog.
Hi Joan :)
I loved those movies!! I felt like Gidget when I was young because I had the body of a 10 year old until I turned 16, so I totally understood her. I thank my mom for introducing those movies to me as a child. Those and the Doris Day movies :)
Hi Joan :)
I loved those movies!! I felt like Gidget when I was young because I had the body of a 10 year old until I turned 16, so I totally understood her. I thank my mom for introducing those movies to me as a child. Those and the Doris Day movies :)
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