This picture is not coming up as clear as I would like it too. But the fortune cookie says "Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday" This was on my fortune cookie last night after my sweetie and I got Chinese take out. I thought it was worth passing on. It made me reflect once again on Matthew 6:34 " Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own" Have a great weekend!

For fun we always add the phrase "in bed" at the end of our fortune cookies - yours rings true! I usually do most of my worrying in bed.
So true! It's something I'm trying to improve about myself. I worry waaaay too much.
I got one of those that stuck with me one time too...'expect nothing and you won't be disappointed.' It's not always encouraging, but it is true sometimes, especially in regard to others. Thanks for sharing yours...
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Be anxious for nothing, right? Words of wisdom for sure. Although my husband says that he doesn't have to worry at all because I worry enough for the both of us. Sigh!
That is a really good message-I like that!!
Ain't it the truth?! (I know, can you believe a homeschool mom said "ain't"?!) I've learned over the last several years to start going over my prayer list when the worries hit. Blessings... Polly (p.s. congratulations on your award!)
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