I am heading out west tomorrow for a seminar at sea. I am going to Vancouver where I'll meet a girlfriend and we will board a ship for Alaska. I am very excited but at the same time, what was I thinking signing up for this seminar the same month as our family vacation? You guys know I love to travel, it's the reason I got in the travel business so I am always up to seeing and experiencing a new place. And Alaska looks wonderful "T" from Livin the Life has been there and she tells me I'll love it and I'm sure I will. But my sweetie can't go with me because of his work, and even though a friend is coming with me and I'll be with a group of other travel agents and our cruise representative, I am going to miss him something crazy. I think it might be the longest we've been apart. I've been on these trips before without him, I went to Paris in 1999 with a group of travel agents by myself and it always is a growing experience to step out of your comfort zone. But I'll still miss you sweetie! But don't worry, our cell phone service tells me I will have free service in Alaska so I'll be calling you when we dock and just think you won't have me calling you ten times a day and asking you things like "what are you doing?". LOL. Anyway, I'll be gone but I have some posts ready that my daughter will post for me and I'll probably check in at some point. I also have Travel Tuesday done for next week and ready to post so hopefully she'll remember to post them. I won't be online much because it costs around a zillion dollars to get online on a cruise ship, okay I exaggerate but it's not the cheapest so I'll just get online a few times to let you know a bear hasn't gotten me or I fell overboard. I am so hoping to see a whale and a bald eagle. I already know there will be wonderful opportunities for pictures. But if you can, pray for me while I'm gone, I know I've mention some ongoing back issues and I'm a little nervous about handling my luggage by myself. I know the cruise lines will help me with some of it, but I might have a problem sometimes. I'll be back soon and don't forget to check back in because I have some nice posts set up. Can't wait to play catch up when I get back. Take care!
Safe Travels,
Love the new header!
And Alaska? I wish I had your job. I have always wanted to go to Alaska.
Thanks Karolee, but after this trip, I'm ready to stay home and nest for awhile. It's a little much even for someone who likes to go like me. That picture is of me and my granddaughter's toes--just love it.
Oh no! I'm going to miss you! But I hope you have a great time anyway. Randey's got 2 sisters who live in Alaska (so if you get stranded, let me know...I'll send one of them to find you. ha). I love your new banner. That IS such a great picture. It says so much, doesn't it? Thanks again for your help with doing the banner/header. I swear...we are THIS close to mastering the whole blogging thing, don't you think? lol
Have fun!!!! And take care of yourself and your back!
Oh Joan...you should have told me you were having back issues...you KNOW I would have offered to come along and carry your bags for you...yes...I could have been your personel "bag lady"...cos you know I would do anything to got to Alaska...I mean...help out!!
You will have a GREAT time...most likely you will see a bald eagle..we saw a couple in different locations...my husband has a picture of one...I'll try and post it later...also, look for the Puffins...people go ga-ga over these little fellas...on our little cruise out to the Glaciers...thats all we heard about from the "bird watchers" on the boat...my daughter and daughter in law got a little tired of hearing about the puffins...but they were cute...also, I especially loved the little sea otters...they are usually closer to shore if I remember correctly...they are just to die for cute! I hope you see a whale I would think this would be a great time to view them...that is actually the only thing we DID NOT see on our trip...but hey...it gives us an excuse to go back. One more thing...they say you need to be just as aware of the moose as you are the bears...if you find a cow (mother moose) with her calf...just keep walking...they are extremely protective...and REALLY REALLY big! I don't think they are the most social of animals like people assume they are...they are not the innocent looking "Mr. Moose" we used to watch on Captain Kangaroo...!!!
I'll be praying for your safety, your health, comfort and for God to bless you with a wonderful time!
I agree with Karolee - love the new header. Have fun on your trip and I'm looking forward to seeing all of your pictures. Get one of the big old moose if you see them. Those animals crack me up. I'll be sure to pray for a safe trip, a comfortable back and an easy transition without your hubby at your side.
Oh, I'm so jealous! I've never been to Alaska, but hope to some day. Can't wait to see the photos and hear all about it.
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