On with the tour of Italy. After we boarded our ship our first stop was the city of Naples. We had decided to see Sorrento and Pompeii. I had really wanted to see the Isle of Capri too but it's hard to see everything in a day. Sorrento is a pretty town. We had lunch at an outdoor cafe, which you have to do when you go to Italy. We bought some Limoncello from one of the vendors. Limoncello is a lemon liqueur that is made in Southern Italy. I had never had Limoncello and thought it was like lemonade so when they gave me a taste, I downed it. TIP--never down Limoncello. It is not lemonade, it just looks like it is.
My sweetie loved Pompeii. He loves history and he was in his element. It was fascinating. I could not believe I was standing in the streets of where Vesuvius erupted so long ago. It really is one of those sights not to miss. I enjoyed our stop in the Naples area but my all time favorite place in Italy is in my next travel log. I love being anywhere on the water, love the ocean etc... Can you guess where it is?
In other news, I had to weigh in today at Weight Watchers. Some of you know I am about 35 pounds lighter then in the above picture. I became a lifetime member in January of this year and have maintained my goal weight. I stay within 5 pounds under my goal, but would like to get another 5 pounds off just so I don't have to worry about gaining a little now and then. The guy that weighed me gave me a little tip and that was to weigh in every week after you become a lifetime member. Maybe that will give me incentive for the other 5 pounds. Does that mean I have to give up my lattes? I don't think so :).
Also my youngest daughter says I only talked about Buttons in my new blog so I am posting a
picture of all my girls, Madison, Melissa and Christina. She's only teasing me but aren't they pretty girls?

Safe Travels,
We love limoncello! We brought a bottle home from Italy and kept it in our freezer. It's great to sip on after a good Italian meal.
Sarah, the key word is sipping it. I thought it was like lemonade but it is potent. Good idea to keep it in the freezer.
Oh, we loved Sorento...it was one of our favorite places. I bought a beautiful music box there and also a chess set.
Pompeii was fascinating...loved it too.
Oh, this makes me want to get back to Italy big time!
Oh, the limoncello - yummy!
Great photo of your beautiful girls.
Hey there!!!! I'm so excited to know a reader, and to bookmark your blog!
I loved Pompeii - it's awesome.
For some reason, you and your hubby look SO familiar to me! I wonder if we've actually ever met sometime! Ha!
Have a great weekend -
Sarah :-)
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