Monday, February 11, 2008

The White Death is Coming!

I couldn't resist putting up some of the best of Jim Borgman's cartoons concerning when the white death (snow) comes to Cincinnati. We have been under a winter storm watch for hours now and it's not even suppose to start until sometime tonight. Supposedly we are going to get a mixed bag of yucky stuff. And these cartoons portray what happens in Cincy when the weather forecasters predict snow. I HATE the white death. I especially like the third one-----WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE! If you can't see these very well, click on the photo for a better view, they are well worth the good laugh for a dreary Monday morning! I wish I was back in Florida.........


Rebecca said...

Ahh, snow. Always such a sweet treat for those of us living in the south. But its also a reason I like being a southern girl. I don't think I could take it on a routine basis.

P.S Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm really enjoying yours too.

Anonymous said...

I am wishing I were with Judy right now on that cruise!!! She looked like she was having a blast when she called from Key West! I just hope the kids are off school. I went to Krogers, just because it was my only day this week I can go, and it was crazy with little old ladies!!! Loved the cartoons. People think we will be trapped forever. I am hoping if the kids are off school to go to the mall with Allison!!! Stay warm.


Anonymous said...

*giggles* Oh Cincinnati weather - how so wacky! I forgot to tell you that the header looks really awesome - I am glad that paintshop worked for you. :o) Here's to hoping for a snow day tomorrow! (That might be my only consolation for my parents being on a cruise ... silly parents and their warm weather!)

~ Shelly

Anonymous said...

Hey Shelly - If you read this and Steph needs anything tell her to give me a call anytime. Don't you wish you were with your parents - too funny!! Take care at college - don't think you will be getting a snow day though. Love - Aunt June

Anonymous said...

These are great...I especially like the "not your school" cartoon. Character builder, indeed!

Justabeachkat said...

LOL! Yep, I remember how crazy everyone got (including me sometimes) when they predicted snow or ice when we lived in Nashville.

Wish you were here in Florida too.


Katie said...

This also applies to rain. For some reason people in Cincinnati act like it's is impossible to drive in the rain. Casey and I are ready for the "White Death." I even figured out how to use the snowblower since Matt is in Iraq. Really makes me miss him. :)

photowannabe said...

Funny cartoons, I especially like the one of the couple that goes from romance to total annoyance.
Stay warm and try to enjoy the day.

LivingTheLife said...

Oh my goodness...those were all funny...but I must admit #4 was my fav...shoot I can get like that with just a weekend of loved it!

Yes, we Texans are known for our craziness when a threatening ice or snow storm is forcast. When I was in high school...I worked for Safeway...and people would come in droves if something the least little bit off was forcast...

I used to love snow days as a kid and when my children were kids...nothing better than a couple of snow days...



Oh Yuk Joan, I can't think of anything worse. Well, maybe I can, come to think of it. Heads or tails, is your snow worse than our rain?
Cheers, Coll :-}

Donna said...

LOL...You need to call your Travel Agent!! NOW!!! Be safe love!!hughugs