My car is an igloo and my driveway is a skating rink. The big bad snow was a bust, we probably only got an inch of the white stuff but the ice came around 5am this morning and that is always a joy. :-) My sweetie goes to work at that time so I was worried about his commute, but he made it safe and sound. It looks like the roads are just slushy now but my driveway is a mess. So since I am so afraid of falling on ice, I am just going to do work around the house today and catch up on some blog reading. My car is usually in the garage but we are doing some work and the garage space was needed. I will try to get back with Travel Tuesday but I have some work to do. Have a great Tuesday!
You should have someone thaw your car out. I heard on the news that the rain will all ice up tonight and it will be that much harder to dig cars out tomorrow. Good luck!! We are reading and playing the wii over here today.
Ooooh, it looks and sounds so COLD! Hope you are havinga good Tuesday - see you soon - Kellan
Bundle up and stay warm!
Spring is around the corner!
We've been getting snow all afternoon and the roads are really slippery. (The snow does look pretty out there!) They don't seem to know if it will change to ice overnight, which will be a real mess come morning. I'm hoping my son or dh (who just got home) will shovel the walk before it gets totally dark.
Leave the car in the driveway. Both of you just pack your bags, come here and enjoy our summer.
How great to visit you here! I am a Norwegian woman, 54 years old, grandma to four small kids who you can see at my page.
Wonderful page to have created!
God bless you and your precious family! Take care.
Hug from Nunne :)
Brrrrrr...looks cold! Soup weather for sure. I love snow, but ice is a "whole nother ball of wax" as my Mom used to say. LOL
It's a little cooler here today and we're expecting rain tonight.
You have a nice blog! I hopped over for a visit!
say inside where it is warm... you can always go out tomorrow...
Brrrr...looks a tad chilly in your neck of the woods! It's breezy and a tad chilly here...but nothing like that. I'm like Kat...I don't mind the snow...but the ice is not a Texans friend...just sayin~poor folks around here, including myself are just not equipped to handle the ice!
blessings...and stay warm....think beaches...sand...surf...umbrellas...and a nice chaise lounge...
Goodness! That does not look good. I don't do well with ice either! I am always so scared of it! stay inside and be safe. And hope that soon the sun will be out to melt some of that and hubby gets home safely too!
Thanks for stopping by! I really enjoyed seeing new people!
We bought three huge bags of rocksalt back in November and I thought we were set. Hubby told me yesterday we're scraping the bottom of the barrel so I'm off to find more today. It's snowing like crazy here, predicted to keep doing so through the weekend - I think we've all hit that point of being sick to death of winter. Not that I'm saying I'm ready to deal with lawnwork either!
We could do with some of that cold here - it is stinking hot and has been for the past two weeks!
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