Saturday, July 30, 2011

The many reasons why I "heart" my blogging friends!

Blogging friends are always there for you with an encouraging word or two. Blogging friends are always supported and kind. They share the mountains and the valleys of life with you.  When you are on the mountain they share the joy of it with you and when you are in the valley they share the pain and pray for you and encourage you through it.  I didn't even realize that my little blog had an anniversary last week until someone commented on it. It's been five years since I started this little blog on a whim. Never even dreaming that these virtual friends would become real life friends to me. I recently joined Google Plus(which I'm still trying to figure out) and it is connected to my blogger account so it pulled up all the photos I have shared on my blog over five years. WOW!!! There were so many and it was so much fun to look back over them!!
Thank you blogging friends for going on my journey of life with me(the highs and the lows) and all your encouragement and prayers along the way. Thanks for still coming back to this blog even though I am a slacker most of the time(just shows me how faithful you are to a friendship and makes me love you even more). But most of all I thank you for your friendship and how blessed I feel because of it!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

A New Baby......

We are pretty excited around here!! There's a new baby coming and it's a little girl!!! She'll make her debut right after Thanksgiving! The girls are so excited...Maddie insisted that it was going to be a girl before they actually found out(I don't know what she would have done if it was a boy....LOL). So now they are talking names and clothes and all kinds of fun things!! Gommy's excited too! Happy Saturday everyone!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy 4th of July!! I love the 4th of July, it's one of my very favorite holidays! So what does everyone have planned for this weekend? My family and friends are coming over for a picnic tomorrow so I am looking forward to that. The weather guy says it's going to be hot and muggy! PERFECT!!! LOL
Happy 4th everyone...stay safe!