Friday, May 28, 2010

I'm Back!!!!

Hi Everyone!! I made it back from Mexico in one piece. We had a great time and I loved this part of Mexico. Here's a few pictures and I hope to catch up with everyone sometime soon. Things are really busy in my life right now. Sometime in the middle of June things should calm down and I hope I can spend some more time blogging. Hope everyone is well, been keeping up with most of you on Facebook! Have a great Memorial Day weekend. We have birthday parties and cookouts all weekend!
I love this photo of the girls in their uniforms but it turned out a little blurry. Bummer!!
I didn't go on the pirate ship but that big white ship was home for a week. It was huge and so much fun!
Happy Memorial Day!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Wrinkled Ladies

Ok, one more video for you guys to enjoy before I head out to LA and on to Mexico!! I had high hopes of visiting everyone before I left but I had so many things to take care of before I went on my trip. I finished painting a room that I've been trying to get done for 3 months and I put down mulch in the front yard and pulled lots of weeds! Ha! And my poor back is feeling it right now so hopefully it'll calm down by the time we get on the ship. Either way I have a supply of advil coming along with me! I'll have my netbook with me too but not sure if I'll be able to blog, twitter or facebook. LOL I'm sure I'll make it through a week with out being so connected all the time!
Anyway, take care and enjoy the video. This one is too funny!! And I promise I'll be around more when I get back!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Because I'm the Mom........

Happy Mother's Day Everyone! Well it's really tomorrow but I seen this video on Facebook the other day and thought it was so much fun! It's probably one you've seen before but it's worth watching again! So what does everyone have planned for Mother's Day? Brunch, lunch or dinner with family? I'm hoping to put mulch down in my front yard tomorrow. Hahaha...exciting stuff for Mom's Day but that's what I want to do. I hope all my bloggy friends have a great Mom's Day!!